Sunday, November 9, 2008

Portability/What is Your Problem Woman?!

Yes! Nowadays our mobile number is portable to other network of our choice however portability among managers and baristas are yesterday's news to me. Looking at positive side, I know a lot of other Starbucks partners(that is what we call Starbucks staffs even though we are not offered any shares).

I started at Sunway Pyramid. It was a very busy store, so busy that I don't even have time do pee. Then I was transferred to SunMed. This is the store I love most. Lotsa food, lotsa rich people, lotsa hot nurses, lotsa educated people(referring to the doctors), lotsa educated baristas(Monash & Sunway College students) and the most important of all:- lotsa biotches!

Owh! If I blog about biotches, then the tittle should be change to other appropriate tittle. Ok lemme add Portability slash What is Your Problem Woman?!

When I decided to join the managerial team, I was aware that the managers are very mobile. During my 6 month period being a manager, I had worked in various stores such as SunMed, PGRM, Kajang and JCS before I decided to quit because of better offer. Anyway what I wanted to say is actually I had one new manager in my current store. What I envy her the most is, besides pretty she is also multi-lingual. Unfortunately when I asked her, Parlez vous Francaise? She answered, "Non". So frustrating.

Before I end the post for this week, I had this one customer today who bought ONE(not 2) Grande Latte and requested for everything. Initially I didnt try to meet her ridiculous demand. She requested for a shopper bag. I gave her the normal small bag to fit her drink. But she requested for the paper bag with handle. I gave her. She made another request, can you put the tray inside so that it doesn't move? I told her, hey woman, what is your problem, you already drank it by holding it with your right hand why on earth you want to put it in shopping bag? (Yeaa.. I wish I could say that). What did I do? I say, I'm sorry ma'am, let me help you with your drink(with 100000 kW fake smile).

So the moral of the story is, you are lucky I did not put a spell in your drink. If not, sure ko jadi katak lepas minum!

Facts about a Barista

Why I love being a barista? Well there are numerous reasons for me to love my barista job even though by being a barista I agreed to the fact that my time is only worth rm4.75 per hour. Yes no kidding!

God! I love being a barista list:

1. I love standing behind counter entertaining(and sometimes swearing and laughing at) the customers.
2. I like getting all the weirdly sized promo t-shirts(I hate the new Xmas promo t-shirt).
3. I can get Starbucks diary for free(I don't have to buy 19 drinks to get it).
4. I like the work culture(even though it only looks perfect on paper).
5. I like the nature of work(even though I don't follow them).
6. I love a job that doesn't require high intellectual level.
7. The most important thing is I like being associated to Starbucks Coffee Co.
8. The list goes on and on..

Mind You! - The list does not reflect the voices of all baristas.

How It All Started?

Well it was long time ago when I was desperate for job. At that time I was without money, job and yet have a lot of things to pay. Being a student on no loan or scholarship, money is the first thing on my mind. Yes! It came first even before my studies.

I still remember, being a kampong boy(was 21 years old that time) who just came to Shah Alam for my degree. After I found a room, I went to Sunway Pyramid looking for job. I never thought of working as a Starbucks barista as I have never had any exposure to English speaking environment, Food & Beverage etiquettes, I never liked coffee and I have never uttered a single English word correctly.

However all that were history. Being a barista is the most neutral thing for me now. As if I was bornt to be a barista. Even after I resigned from my managerial post, I returned to Starbucks as a part-time barista. Here is my story about a barista named Fros...